American Soldier-Veterans Day 2010

A Tribute To The American Messenger
of Individual Liberty, The American Soldier

The American soldier is different from any other soldier in the world because they are American.

American soldiers fight for something, Individual Liberty, and they fight as those who have enjoyed and appreciate their Liberty as Sacred.

Prior to America the soldier had always been solely a tool of conquest and confiscation, even in early colonization as a tribe of its own who migrated here from elsewhere, the colonial soldier was a tool of conquest and confiscation, yet after the founding of the nation, our American soldier began the transition to fighting solely for Individual Liberty.

As we won this tribal battle the American soldier became a soldier who could be shipped to a foreign country, fight, and come home. America sought no land, was not in a league of conquest, and confiscated nothing for it's effort as our American soldier was sent out to assure Individual Liberty.

Time after time our soldiers were sent out to fight for individual liberty, to help bring an end to imperialist conflicts, as in World War I, or to save the world from the heinous evil that would be an absolute end to Individual Liberty, as in World War II.

Our nation's soldiers often the last to arrive, but the important factor, the most considerable factor to our enemies as they would turn the tide because they fight for Individual Liberty and not merely against an enemy.

With Korea we drove back the aggressive communist North, for sake of the Individual Liberty of those in the South and a prior treaty that we had hoped would arrive at a unified Korea, but instead the North devised a communist government of its own while the Russian soldiers were acting as peace keepers, and Korea a torn country to this day, half it's nation never knowing the meaning or being able to value Individual Liberty.

Vietnam was a means of telling China, you will not expand without resistance, and again it was a battle against a communist regime. Our Congress and Presidents attempted to micro-manage the war from Washington, and failed miserably. But our soldiers fought valiantly for a nation to keep its freedom and a people to keep their Individual Liberty. Mistakes were made as they are in any war, but the ultimate goal of signaling China they will not expand this way was achieved, and it is our soldiers who sent that message. Though the North took Vietnam, China did not take the entire of Southeast Asia as it easily could have if we hadn't taken action. We lost almost 60,000 of our finest in this conflict, but be sure our enemies lost millions, and it is this heart of our soldier, and the beat of Individual Liberty that brought China's expansion to go no further than Vietnam.

Iraq, in the end, is an American War for this very same principle. Where WMD's escaped America's capture, the clarity of Saddam Hussein killing 5000 of his own people a day with nerve gas, and the knowledge that 400,000 Turks were killed by Saddam--400,000 of his own citizens in the North--demonstrates again the very reason our soldiers fight, our goals and objectives achieved for the sake of Individual Liberty, to renounce by force those acts and deeds of force in oppression, that we ourselves threw off in 1776.

Our soldier continues to fight in Afghanistan, even though in the midst of a world that finds Individual Liberty a threat to all they've ever been taught, and some find it a threat to their power. Yet nothing will deter our American soldier from fighting for Individual Liberty, to assure the knowledge and meaning of freedom is spread.

We must always remember our unanimous Declaration of Independence says “All men are created equal, they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.” This is an American principle of people, nation, and government that is true for all mankind, and our soldier is the voice of our hope that the entire race appreciate Individual Liberty to stand up against oppression, tyranny, and all that would trespass on the sacred right of anyone to be left alone in their thoughts, ambition, and designs for their own life—Freedom!

May God always Bless our American soldier, an American Sovereign of Liberty, whose fight is always for this simple, yet to this day being fought for, principle, and fighting as strongly as when we won our Independence, our Individual Liberty of freedom of each to be their own by their own terms.

Thank you American soldier!

And thank you for reading,

Toddy Littman

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