Son of Single Payer |
You all need to read this: Kucinich is saying that single-payer will be revived, and there's all kinds of numbers to suggest it will save money and ad to business profitability, apparently. Kucinich GOP HC Repeal & Single Payer I sent this to John Boehner directly, and submit it to you because it is time our branches of government and their exclusive authority is understood, versus their unity against the American people, and the Progressive voices, such as Kucinich that lead the charge. We need to press Congress to do what I am laying out because their business as usual is working around the rules, not in adherence to them, and we're doing nothing to change that, nothing, and instead, just accepting that and falling right back to sleep: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Speaker, I urge you to assert the exclusive authority of the House of Representatives under Article I, Section 7, Clause 1. The Senate, claiming "vehicles" based on using a bill "started" in the House (as directly stated by the Senate in the blue text at, to propose revenue legislation, is a trespass Our Founding Fathers did not intend to happen. The House is a separate branch of this government for a reason. The exclusive House power to "originate" bills for raising revenue is to assure it is the People's desire to be taxed, and not some whim opportunity of government whenever they need money to take our hard-earned private property for whatever scheme government has in mind. Only by a Speaker that will stand up to the Senate will this come to an end. Please review the following explanation of the abuse of the entire process to "pass" healthcare carefully. Stenny Hoyer, as majority leader, failed to set the Healthcare bill as major tax legislation for review by the Ways and Means Committee, as would be required of a tax, any bill to raise revenue for the government. This is a necessary procedural step of the House Rules that was made to assure adherence to the meaning of Article I, Section 7, Clause 1. "Originate in the House" does not mean "start," it means that the idea for raising revenue had to originate from "The People's House," that we sought to be taxed for a specific purpose and intention, contacting our representatives to make it so. House Rule XIII (h1) and (h2) make it clear that a bill is out of order that contains revenue provisions that were not reviewed by the Ways and Means Committee. The argument made by the Department of Justice that the healthcare mandate is under the commerce clause and can be enforced as a tax, fails on its face without this review by Ways and Means, and the reports generated by that process. Yet, it is this very argument, certified to the court by the Department of Justice lawyers as true, correct, and complete, that invoked Our Written Constitution, as the DOJ is part of the Executive Branch essentially saying the People's House can be treated as irrelevant. A tax cannot be passed by the Senate reconciliation process. And for this to be a tax requires the above House Ways and Means reports be included and provided with the bill. The Senate could not legally pass healthcare by the reconciliation process if it is a tax. If, however, healthcare is not a tax, then there is no enumerated power, no authority under the Constitution for the United States, to compel any American to purchase anything. Thus, 1) in the House, 2) in the Senate, and 3) in the courts, the healthcare bill, and "law" have been represented differently, and thereby misrepresented entirely. This makes every vote, and even the signature of the President of the United States, unconscionable acts. The fact the bill wasn't read is unconscionable in and of itself, but to vote on it and sign it based on what information is presented alone, that then is argued to the contrary to use the courts to justify imposing a burden on the American People that was denied review for political purposes, and not upholding our Constitution, is to abuse the Public Trust to bind the beneficiary, We The People, to the unconscionable acts of the Trustees, you public servants. The Courts are not the legislature, and to allow them to interpret a "law" that isn't a law according to Our Written Constitution, only exacerbates the glaring truth that the government in Washington D.C. forgot We The People are the Masters of our nation, not they. This cannot be allowed to stand, and if you repeal healthcare, all that does is tell the usurpers in government that they can use this process to get things through, repeal validates this process of usurpation. "Passage" of a law based on pomp and circumstance, for political purposes, and in absolute derogation of duty from Oath of Office and the Constitution must be brought to an immediate halt if we do not wish to see America, and all she stands for, perish from the face of the Earth. Please do not validate a process of usurpation and give it any legitimacy, as that only further destroys our republican form of government. I can boldly say that to do otherwise is to validate the entire illegal process, to ratify "business as usual" in Washington. Please, assert your exclusive powers through a declaration of nullification of the entire healthcare process, let us deliver upon the radicals and Marxists who've used these subtleties to destroy our nation, a radical departure from appeasement and compromise in pursuance of the Constitution and re-instating the conservative principles of republican government that they've assumed we'd never have the spine to do. Thank you for your time, and your staff for theirs in reading this, Toddy Littman" Is this our country? Then we better damn well start acting like it! We've allowed them to verify an illegal process, which means, it will only get worse, as they'll point to each other on both sides of the aisle to say "they did it too" as part of their unity. We cannot allow this to continue if we believe in America. Thank you for reading, Toddy Littman P.S. Thanks to Timothy Birdnow for titling this and posting it at his blog too, |
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