Utopian Pets: The Progressive Imprinted American

I find too many want to underestimate this situation and have little appreciation for the seriousness of it, which I've found many do see but marginalize any answers too pursuant to the rubric of media's promoted “issues.” A stifled America with Progressive Archie Bunker at the helm while “Meathead” Rob Reiner explains true Communism, these are the images of character portrayals of stereotypes deemed accurate by Hollywood. Carroll O'Connor playing the role of a working class blindly patriotic to their country irrespective of O’Connor’s real life socialist ideology and beliefs making it impossible for him to appreciate America's principles that are the foundation for such patriotism (see, http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005279/bio and search for “liberal” twice in a row), Archie eventually acts out some irony that shows he's had a change of heart, a backslide from his patriotism that he may never verbally admit. Such is the story and its theme as impressed, burned, and imprinted on the picture tube and an audience enthralled with the depiction as though some sort of realistic anything, which the youthful portion of the audience mirrors as reality. And from that time show after show written to appeal to the “middle class” carries these elements, to which I must now defer to a famous and well-known author and conservative activist to explain.

“Prior to the American Revolution, through centuries of feudalism and monarchy, the interests of the rich lay in the expropriation, enslavement, and misery of the rest of the people. A society, therefore, where the interests of the rich require general freedom, unrestricted productiveness, and the protection of individual rights, that should have been hailed as an ideal system by anyone whose goal is man's well-being.

“But that is not the collectivists' goal.

“A similar criticism is voiced by collectivist ideologists about the American Civil War. The North, they claim disparagingly, was motivated, not by self-sacrificial concern for the plight of slaves, but by the “selfish” economic interests of capitalism – which requires a free labor market.

“This last clause is true. Capitalism cannot work with slave labor. It was the agrarian, feudal South that maintained slavery. It was the industrial, capitalistic North that wiped it out – as capitalism wiped out slavery and serfdom in the whole civilized world of the nineteenth century.

“What greater virtue can one ascribe to a social system that the fact that it leaves no possibility for any man to serve his own interests by enslaving other men? What nobler system could be desired by anyone whose goal is man's well-being?

“But that is not the collectivists' goal.

“Capitalism has created the highest standard of living ever known on earth. The evidence is incontrovertible. The contrast between West and East Berlin is the latest [at the time of this article] demonstration, like a laboratory experiment for all to see. Yet those who are loudest in proclaiming their desire to eliminate poverty are loudest in denouncing capitalism. Man's well-being is not their goal.

“The “under-developed” nations are an alleged problem to the world. Most of them are destitute. Some, like Brazil, loot (or nationalize) the property of foreign investors; others, like the Congo,

slaughter foreigners, including women and children; after which all of them [these countries] scream for foreign help, for technicians and money. It is only the indecency of altruistic doctrines that permits them to hope to get away with it.

“If those nations were taught to establish capitalism, with full protection of property rights, their problems would vanish. Men who could afford it, would invest private capital in the development of natural resources, expecting to earn profits. They would bring the technicians, the funds, the civilizing influence, and the employment which those nations need. Everyone would profit, at no one's expense or sacrifice.

“But this would be “selfish” and, therefore, evil – according to the altruists' code. Instead, they prefer to seize men's earnings – through taxation – and pour them down any foreign drain, and watch our own economic growth slow down year by year.

“Next time you refuse yourself some necessity you can't afford or some small luxury which would have made the difference between pleasure and drudgery – ask yourself what part of your money has gone to pay for a crumbling road in Cambodia [important at time of this article] or for the support of those “selfless” little altruists of the Peace Corps, who play the role of big shots in the jungle, at taxpayers' expense.

“Altruism is not a doctrine of love, but of hatred for man.

Collectivism does not preach sacrifice as a temporary means to some desirable end. Sacrifice is its end – sacrifice as a way of life. It is Man's independence, success, prosperity, and happiness that collectivists wish to destroy [bold & italic emphasis mine].

“Observe the snarling, hysterical hatred with which they greet any suggestion that sacrifice is not necessary, that a non-sacrificial society is possible to men, that it is the only society able to achieve man's well-being.

“If capitalism had never existed, any honest humanitarian should have been struggling to invent it. But when you see men struggling to evade its existence, to misrepresent its nature, and to destroy its last remnants – you may be sure that whatever their motives, love for man is not one of them.” - Excerpt from Los Angeles Times article by Ayn Rand, 1962.

To which I find necessity to summarize in parody of the shows essentially playing on and originating from the space race between the Soviet Union and America, “Freedom, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Progressive cruise ship Utopia, to seek out new unicorns and new fairy civilizations, to boldly go where every dictatorial tyranny in history has forever gone before!” Spoken in perfect Captain Ahab/Socialist Patrick Stewart fashion.

I bolded the sacrifice paragraph because Progressivism, the collectivist central-government-will-help-you fiction tale, is a literal effort to take us back, before Christ.

As a Christian, and as America remains a Christian nation demographically for the most part, we know Jesus Christ was the last sacrifice, the last lamb; we know the Kingdom of God is at hand; we know our treasure is in Heaven, to which God is thereby declaring so too would be any sacrifice (by inference since treasure and sacrifice are opposites) if Christ had not been the last sacrifice! Yet we sit and argue the issues the media tells us are important. We aren't paying attention to our individual, our neighbor's all the way up to our nation's departure from the principles, the founding principles of this nation, the exception that makes America exceptional!

These principles, that we have so far left behind as anything more than a litany, are the same ones that led to Our Founders' departure from what is described by Ayn Rand in the first paragraph above, and the very tyrannical oppression she so well described is what will return without capitalism, irrespective of the Progressive self-named branding as “the new Utopia by sacrifice to those who assume to impose Utopia on you by force for your own good” -- a World's “Dear Leader.”

So many of you loved the movie Atlas Shrugged, well it's time to recognize that Ayn Rand wrote novels to help educate people on the ideology, epistemology, and overall appreciation of capitalism as a synonym for Freedom, which it is. By article, paper, book and finally movie, I've appreciated Ayn Rand's view that one who cannot own and dispose of their own property as they see fit, who cannot operate their lives under objective laws, laws that assure no one (including government) can take their property from them by force, is also no longer a person in Freedom. If government oppresses the people every 5 years, are they free? Does that change if it's 50 years, or 100? Rather, it is certain evidence of the state of Freedom and also a certain illustration of American government oppression as a matter of fact.

And while you, the unprincipled, blame the corporations, claiming “government and corporations are the same people,” the result is an ever-growing government (expense) and tax rates in conversion of private property to government's use as their (government) solution for your blame of a segment of America's private property holders, those evil corporations and their evil private property investors including union pension funds. Such is the way of government's justification for controlling our use of our own property – from local permits based on “uniform” laws to our National Government crossing the boundaries of the four corners of the Constitution as amended by the Bill of Rights as well, irrespective of the agreement each member of our government proactively agreed to by their Oath of Office and are bound by their Oath of Office, an oath breached by government every time its power of force (by expectation, complacency, or in fact) violates a limit imposed by the Constitution.

But what do we expect of a government who sees that their Master, We the People, has lost all semblance of knowledge of the Principles of America's founding, of why America is a nation that guarantees Freedom, where government is the tool to assure Individual Liberty by objective acts in support of these solely original & exceptional American Principles? It is in this that, “America is a nation of laws and not men” and not in pursuance of subjective party agendas and ideologies entirely inconsistent with the one-and-only Law of the Land: our Written Constitution for the United States of America.

....Wait, nevermind. We have to discuss something trivial to show how easily our NEA Progressive educations, with their mental and psychological triggers that we've come to know from such an education in the “truant officer” enforced school setting, are still effective mechanisms to get us to accept every march away from America's foundation of Freedom and toward a Progressive Collectivist Tyranny over every aspect of our lives worldwide.

I must say in sarcasm, whatever you do, memorize whatever statistical information you have so you can interject it as objection to any actual solutions, while having none to offer, in saving our country... No, actually, in saving our culture, one of Individual Liberty, Freedom, ingenuity, and the genius responsible for 90% of the actual progress of the entire race of mankind, our proud American economic system of Capitalism, though ever becoming more and more mixed due to “conservatives” pumping the same America Killing Jim Jones Cultist Liberal Kool-Aid down our throats, just more slowly, yet still marching in the same direction toward a Progressive tyranny by an all-powerful Central Government.

A simple illustration of America's affect in freeing the world is in naming the feudal tyrannical Crowned Heads ruling the world today and compare that to 1500 (1492 when Columbus arrived). This decline in feudalism is the direct result of America's revolution and original Constitutional design genius of making the people their own lawgiver through the republican principle of representative government (for the first time in history, an exceptional feat) with the power of the purse and imposition of taxes, powers solely residing in the House of Representatives. It is this message, the one of government that is the servant of the people, that brought so many to America, knowing they could seek out their own opportunity and attain their own Freedom as an objective government-protected certainty.

And now back to the unprincipled meaningless banter over media promoted and government endorsed political party fund-raiser talking-point “issues” that achieve nothing but reinforcement of those good old NEA triggers as our nation marches Left...Left...Left, Left, Left, Uncle Same now a one-legged slave soldier determined to make oppression work as a tool to free mankind...

God Bless you and thank you for reading and sharing this,

Toddy Littman

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