Saturday 02 August 2014

The New World Order

There are times you know when you've discovered a great pair of hands to deeply untangle history, and in my absence, waiting for an inspiration to write from Christ, I reappear with what He gave me.

I was reading Federalist 45 and kept reading a sentence in a paragraph that doesn't lack reason but somehow I was feeling clouded about:

... We have heard of the impious doctrine in the Old World, that the people were made for kings, not kings for the people. Is the same doctrine to be revived in the New, in another shape that the solid happiness of the people is to be sacrificed to the views of political institutions of a different form?...” --

And then it hit me, the “Old World” is the world before our nation which is the first to use the republican principle of representation, where the People, and not some Caesar or some appointee of some sort, are the Lawgiver. Article I of the Constitution is primarily about the powers of Congress, which is a balance between the representatives of the People (House) and the representatives of the State Governments (Senate).

The House is the sole origin of “Bills for raising the Revenue” (Art I, Sec 7) because it would be We the People asking to pay a tax for something, a particular purpose to which our servant government would enact legislation to achieve our will. This balance (prior to the 17th Amendment) was to insure the National Government couldn't be used by either of these parties, the People or the States, to undermine each other. The Senate's “advice and consent” is to aid the passage of a bill, not rewrite it or block it if the House doesn't agree, as “advice” is a statement of what can be changed to achieve “consent” where the Senate passes the House Bill to raise Revenue, meaning where the State Governments agree with the Will of the People and will submit why not if they don't so the Legislation can be reworked. A system to assure the People control their taxes and not the States or a government just looking to take money from the People, oppressive tyrannical government.

Now the point to this is that the “New World” is the United States of America. And, in fact, the “New World Order” is our founding documents, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and our written Constitution for the United States of America.

Why is this so important? Because this nation, a nation established on Individual Liberty and Freedom, unalienable Rights and that the People are the Sovereign Power, is what these documents explain is the New World Order. America is what changed thousands, tens-of-thousands, of years of people in some sort of subject servitude, assumed a “people made for kings” worldwide. Wars were fought over resources, not just to establish commercial relations, but to actually take the land, take the oil, take the people, all as the spoils of war for a Crown's will, a will that told us their will is ours and should we disagree, the rack, dungeons and other misery would befall us until we comply or die. Subjects in servitude to a Crown without any right of our own, that is the Old World Order of Feudalism, the ultimate expansion of Tribal right, of a collective society, a community organized by a Crown and their minion nobles, their wealth usually gained by patronage or bribery, and never the right of a peasant subject – an oppressive tyranny that the New World Order of America alone began to unravel.

This clears up something very important because the conspiracy folks want to run around claiming it's a conspiracy of the Illuminati, which I submit is an argument against leaving the Old World behind, that all this conspiracy talk is mere propaganda to marginalize the New World Order that America alone represents as the pioneers of Republican government. This Sovereignty of the People, of the Citizens, of the Constituents who Constituted America is appealing to people in countries around the world and why those who wish for Freedom legally come here as it is easier than trying to change their homeland, and yet, a remainder in their nation of origin desire to be the same “We the People...” in their own country, to do what we did so their nation lives in Freedom.

This epiphany has proven to me that all this conspiracy stuff is an ineffective and diluting insanity, likely propped up by those who want to destroy the American will to get us to believe in mysterious organizations running the world. I find it obviously directed from somewhere when the Italian term Illuminati shows up in the Catholic Encyclopedia as the scribes who would translate biblical text, and were awarded “illumination of the first character in their work” (the enlarged and ornate “O” in “Once upon a time” from older fairytale books offered as an illustration). This Catholic Church Encyclopedia definition is the entire meaning of Illuminati.

So, while conspiracy theories are promoted and people fear “Agenda 21,” as though they elected the U.N. to office as a supreme ruler over them, acquiescing to any assumption of power the U.N. erroneously claims by fearing their actions; and people buy books and listen to talk shows, youtube videos, etc., becoming enthralled with the conspiracy and spouting it all as facts proving some point, the reality is they have no control over another person's anything except through the force of government, and our remedy entirely lies with holding those who took an Oath to uphold the Constitution accountable, by elections and more, whatever civil course it takes to enforce the Constitution and our Sovereign authority over our government. Anything else is allowing the fear of boogie men who have been defined for media sensation and the self-aggrandizement of their promoters to rule our lives.

See, while none of these so-called Conspiracies exist there does remain those who want to destroy America, who hate this country for how it was founded, maybe in the interest of those Old World Order families who lost so much in the founding of America, in the establishment of a New World Order. Who knows, but these destroyers who will not move to a country that has the very government they wish America to be in destroying her (and we should ask why is that? For the answer reveals it is because they just want to destroy America and don't care about being Communists or Socialists, etc., it's all about hating America for them) will exploit our every abdication of our right and authority, using government to force whatever will destroy America, for they view the New World Order as a wrong, as though Freedom and Individual Liberty represented by the fruits of one's labor and their means of protecting it are a digression of mankind.

This is what is revealed when you realize America is the New World, and our means of Freedom the New World Order through Republican Government, by a written Constitution to achieve the Consent of the Governed referenced in the Declaration of Independence when ratified by the People; that also Constitutes our Will, our terms and conditions for the existence of a national government; that is to be violated under penalty of Amendment and enforcement of Our Will, even by again revolting against tyrannical and oppressive government that is our acknowledged Duty and our Right as set forth in the Declaration of Independence, the true document forming the Union by Apostolic Pledge:

We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

This is what our Heroes of our wars fight for. This is the New World Order that the Progressive movement in all its claims of inclusiveness, efficiency, and promises of what they'll give you if you believe in what they promote wants to destroy, and replace with a regression, a reversion back to the Old World Order of centralized power, of those who rule by a claimed right, a right they'll present today in their use of technology to show their superiority, be it the technology of psychology, of intelligence gathering, or of propaganda, they'll use all and more to assure that people will come to a point in their lives of willingness to submit to being a victim that needs government, the centralized Old World Order to save you, to be your Master as you choose dependence over Independence!

Thank you for reading and sharing this, God Bless,

Toddy Littman

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