Tuesday 18 November 2014

Minimum Wage Not a Liberal Issue

I've heard Liberals expressing a lie, that the Minimum Wage laws passed November 4th represent Liberal ideas being passed on the same day that the Republicans took 9 seats in the Senate and won governorships across the country.

Here's the spin going on: That if you're for a Minimum Wage you're a Liberal and believe in big government.

Now, this is true, in part, when we are speaking to the idea of a National Minimum Wage. A Minimum Wage required by the National Government is Progressivism at its finest. There is no Interstate Commerce relationship, no fort, arsenal, or magazine (as in munitions depot) involved, yet those who misread, misstate, misteach, misunderstand, and often all with open and notorious Progressive intention to misrepresent, the Constitution for the United States of America, will claim there is some right of the National Government to set wages in the States.

Now, as to how Minimum Wage is not some great Liberal idea, let's look at States and their sovereignty.

Each State competes with other States, for jobs, for businesses to locate in their State, and to essentially assure each State has their own unique character. As such you have 4 States whose electorate on Nov 4, 2014 set a Minimum Wage in their state, each one at a different amount as their respective State Minimum Wage.

So now let's consider the effect. If I live in a State with a Federal Minimum Wage, which is lower than in another State (thus this is a State's Rights Issue), I might move to the State with the higher wage, though I might look at their tax rate, and if they have property taxes, or for that matter if they have any income tax at all!

Minimum Wage as a State issue, where it is meant to be, is where the States regain a portion of their sovereignty through their competitiveness, which will breed ingenuity, and invention in State government.

Now if one considers the National Minimum Wage, who is America competing with? Is it so America can have a higher Minimum Wage? Really? $10.50/hr is $420/wk, $21,840 per year. What country would you move from to the United States to earn this amount? The dollar is worth half to England, about the same as Australia, and is worth less than the Canadian dollar! That about does it for the English speaking free western countries. The point being that this isn't enough, even without it being taxed much, if at all, by the State and Federal government, and they'd likely qualify for an Obamacare subsidy, meaning they'd be getting a higher raise than the $10.50 an hour, more like $11.50 to $12.50 an hour.

However, my numbers are wrong in light of Obamacare, as most of these same workers would be working a 30 hour work week (as though this is the larger point of Obamacare, to make the work week shorter, that whole European leisure time thing), so it's more like $315/wk, $16,380, and thus even less appealing to a foreigner, but worse still, assuring less tax revenues to the government, as this amount would be even less likely taxed, if at all, and that Obamacare subsidy (where you and I pay for their insurance premium) even more likely to occur.

The point, I hope is well illustrated, that the Minimum Wage as a National Political Talking Point, is just that, and only that. It has no place in the National Government at all, nothing good for America is taking place, and, in fact, this makes those unemployment numbers all the worse. For now, our government needs, since the income tax is a Progressive tax, even more people employed by at least 25%, likely 50%. This makes me wonder if this is why Obama and the Progressives decided to push raising the Minimum Wage in the first place, to try to shore up the National Government's tax revenues since Obamacare is causing part-time employment. Interesting to see how the two may be related, isn't it? How the Cloward and Piven strategy comes to the surface, whether intended or not?

Funny how what we were told isn't true... AGAIN!

But what do we expect from those who call eugenics “a woman's right to choose” under the facade of abortion (see http://www.democraticunderground.com/), or ignore the productive banker descendant of an African Slave to claim the Civil Rights Act necessary, (see http://www.nps.gov/resources/story.htm?id=242), and ignore the 1957 Civil Rights Act, passed by the Republican Party, (see http://history.house.gov/), or who have told us Our American Founders were, “just a bunch of rich white uncaring slaveholders,” (see Federalist 38, where ending slavery is listed as a reason to pass the Constitution, http://thomas.loc.gov/home/histdox/fed_38.html and Federalist 42, where Madison explains regret for the 20 year delay to end slavery, Article I, Section 9, http://thomas.loc.gov/home/histdox/fed_42.html), and have taught us sacrifice and charity are synonyms while teaching us how bad banks are, so we draw the conclusion of insatiable greed, irrespective of the United States government taking the profits of the Federal Reserve, a private institution (see 12 USC 289, http://law.justia.com/codes/ and to see privacy of Fed 12 USC 284, http://codes.lp.findlaw.com/uscode/12/3/VI/284)?

Surely there's more, but I figured I'd keep the list short and show how often this spin of the truth, subtle as it may seem, is the Progressive constant.

God Bless you and thank you for reading and sharing this,

Toddy Littman

P.S. If you voted on November 4, 2014 to limit the long arm of Uncle Sam, I urge you to share this with your Congressman, Senator, Governor and State Legislature. It's time the National Government in Washington, D.C. got out of the business of destroying State's Rights and cease from disturbing the relationship of businesses to their local and State governments.

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