Thursday 04 December 2014

Wards of the State

Slavery, as a negotiated clause of the Constitution at the time of founding a nation, being an allowed institution subject to prohibition in 20 years makes sense, as it gives each state and its inhabitants the chance to adjust to a new way of life. But this was not the crux of Lincoln's efforts nor the real cause of the Civil War, the slavery issue was one of many, best illustrated by the National Bank Act of 1863, where the National Government decided to fund the Civil War with paper they printed themselves, one could say, “Civil War Quantitative Easing” (yeah it's been going on that long, a good 50 years before the Federal Reserve even existed, and part of the National Government's encroachment upon the States),

Let's take a candid look at the 14th Amendment regarding freed slaves:

Section 1.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

And now the words of the Senator credited with drafting the 13th Amendment that ended slavery, words that explain his winning argument for wording of Section 1 of the 14th Amendment:

[Jacob Meritt] Howard also participated in debate over the first clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, arguing for including the phrase and subject to the jurisdiction thereof specifically because he wanted to make clear that the simple accident of birth in the United States was not sufficient to justify citizenship. Howard said: "[The 14th amendment] will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the government of the United States [as is the case of every foreigner in the United States to this day, as it is also with any American living abroad], but will include very other class of person."

Despite his intention, the amendment has since been interpreted to guarantee citizenship to every person born in the United States.”

Note I am not confused and laying out the lack of any foundation for anchor babies and immigration. But, stunningly, one will find that the reason no one will accept the facts of the purpose of “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof,” is that the 14th Amendment then sticks with the point and purpose of the entire germane and original Constitution as well as the first 10 Amendments (the Bill of Rights, of terms and conditions for government to assert authority that are consistent with the Constitution, and to declare all areas absolutely off-limits, such as the Second Amendment does): An Amendment limiting the powers of the National Government in D.C.!

Here's a proper interpretation, using the above as a guide:

[The 14th Amendment] will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons [specifically freed slaves].

See, when we apply the actual intention of Section 1 of the 14th Amendment we find Government Amended the Constitution to create a ward of the State for Government to protect, in the same way Obama, without any right whatsoever, made 5 million people dependent on Government in a Chicago patronage style “amnesty.” We of course also discover that, “subject to the jurisdiction of the United States” is Government's claim upon the freed slaves, a claim of their existence being “subject to the jurisdiction of the United States” as property that will receive subjective specific protections provided to them by the government.

This goes against Freedom in every way, not just for those made a ward of the State, but also of those who haven't been made wards. This confuses our laws, our acts, our activities. This makes the facts meaningless, irrelevant, and the ability to learn from history to better our future is lost.

We have a government that claims it is run by the Parties (Democracy) and not the Constitution, (Republic), where the Constitution is used only when expedient to a political party's agenda in election, and is discarded for Party agenda when governing the nation, subjective Political Party Agenda and Ideology paramount and superseding the Constitution. No one is free in this situation, as the limits imposed on government are thrown out the door for what can be sold for politics, the exact situation Our Founders wrote the Constitution to assure wouldn't happen.

About “Slavery”...

A person subjected to another's whim, their children born as possessions of another, people wrongfully treated as livestock, bred to be larger, to be stronger, women used as surrogates for sex, raped, and often delivering a progeny that a Master resents.

Tell me what I don't understand about slavery, as every race, even sects of religions have been subjected to it. I'll mention islam to get it out of the way, though its gift of virgins admit it fails to recognize itself as a spiritual Faith,, however their brainwashing has led to Sunni and Shiite fighting and enslaving each other for centuries. But let's talk about the White Slave Trade, of the Irish, Irish slavery is so well forgotten by those trying to racialize and Americanize slavery that an author is writing a book about it, Should we look at the Chinese, and why, after World War II and before Mao killed 50 million people (who wouldn't be Communist slaves), the people accepted slavery to a government of their own nationality as opposed to the Japanese as their Masters?

So now, let's talk about “solutions.” Would a new Master end one’s slavery? Answer: No. So why would anyone who is against slavery agree to the terms stated in 14th Amendment Section 1 of the Constitution? I mean, what could be worse than not just a Master, but a Master with full coercive power, the power of imprisonment & sentencing to death?... The power of drafting you into an army for a war you don't agree with?... The power to take your property because of a mistake the IRS refuses to hear the explanation that someone else used your social security number to buy a house, sell it, and make a hefty profit on which the IRS now says you owe taxes? Can you see how this doesn't explain voting for big government, a government that costs more, a government that taxes us to the point our labor is slavery almost no matter what our rate of pay is?... Ya think this might be why there's a lot of illegal gang and drug business (unreported income) going on?

But this is what happens when government leaves its legitimate perch and purpose: Objective function, according to the Constitution, to assure protection of the smallest minority, the Individual -- this is what Liberty means. This explains Freedom is assured by those who Constituted, We the People, and to which we are the descendant as “Constituents” regardless of color, religious belief, etc. as Americans. And all it takes is our embrace of America, of American culture, of Capitalism to appreciate our Individual Private Property Rights; appreciate that our control of our destiny is only safe when it is in our hands to decide, and not by another's “handouts,” government's intentional lie to obscure the truth that those giving something for free are exploiting our weakness (see,, even if only for a moment in ours or our nation's existence. Government, like any other Master, is quite a bit like a drug dealer, inviting someone to a party to “try out this stuff,” never imbibing themselves with it, but watching their prospective mark become an absolute addict in a few weeks, leeching the addict of every dime they have in a few weeks. A new payment plan is proposed by the addict - the drug and dependence are so intense - slavery in prostitution or some other abuse to pay for the drug and maintain the addiction. What must be said: This is what, “No Justice! No Peace” means, for the peace is no less the peace of a Chinese slave who appreciated a meal and their wage of access to the opium den.

Ain't it grand to see how easily we are duped, we are sucked into an addiction, to slavery, by what's “free?”

God Bless you and thank you for reading and sharing this,

Toddy Littman

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