Saturday 24 January 2009

PR03-Gold Baron: Inaugural Fiction Fix

For Immediate Release


Summary: Author A. Dru Kristenev talks about why the Baron Series of novels is being written, particularly in regard to the result of the election. The books are sharp stories crafted to engage recreational readers in the important issues of the day that incorporate innovative fact sharing at The interactive website draws very real insights from an astute character extracted from the work of fiction “Gold Baron,” who takes a solid stand on the events unfolding daily on the political and economic stage.

January 19, 2009
Inaugural spurs need to read fiction:
vital facts spiced with romance and action

“I can’t count how many times I’ve picked up a contemporary novel with the intent of reading for pure pleasure only to be assailed by the author’s liberal agenda inappropriately inserted somewhere in the text,” said A. Dru Kristenev, author of “Gold Baron.” “It struck me that a better use of the concept would be to have a conservative agenda form a purposeful background for a book’s storyline, so that’s the route I took.”

Noting that statistics in the most recent presidential election indicated that a majority of single women voters cast their ballot for Obama, Kristenev felt pressed to promote this concept with more alacrity.

Beginning with the first book of the Baron Series, “Land Barons,” Kristenev tackled the issue of land use and the encroachment of government regulation on private property rights. It occurred to the author that one way to reach recreational readers was to craft a good story that uses solid information to create a backdrop of extortion, land acquisition and murder. Incorporating action and romance would make the book more interesting to those, women in particular, who read for escape and stress relief, explained Kristenev. “I’ve always known that it’s easier to get a point across with humor, so why not use entertainment reading in the same way?”

“Although the second novel “Gold Baron” was written during the primary cycle of this last presidential election and was meant to catch people before they entered the voting booth, it seems even more important that the story is read before we have lost any more ground in the arena of constitutional rights,” stated the author. “Women are under tremendous pressure in our society to perform as breadwinners, homemakers, sensual sirens and mothers all at once. It’s all too easy to let politics take a minor role in their busy lives and even allow themselves to be drawn toward charismatic personalities.”

Both books, “Land Barons” and “Gold Baron” are well researched in order to provide a solid grounding for the respective stories. Kristenev has hopes that enticing the reader with an intriguing tale – a story that’s soundly constructed upon a factual basis – will encourage individuals to delve further and collect their own information.

“I don’t want anyone to simply accept what they hear or read, they’re already doing that with every politician that speaks with the affectation of sincerity. We are inundated with the blatant celebrity of this inauguration to the point that false optimism has overwhelmed the intellect, allowing us to become complacent. I challenge everyone to do their own research and spend the time to learn the facts. Having an informed electorate is the only way our country can thrive but it doesn’t hurt to have a little fun with it along the way.”

This is why the website is an operational portal into the subjects of the Baron series. The credible news stories and balanced informational links provided create an avenue for readers to begin their investigative journey. The author clarified that the website is a real incarnation of the website in the book “Gold Baron” and is actually directed by a character from the story, Toddy Littman, making the crossover between fiction and reality. Kristenev strongly specifies that the research is also real and urges everyone to check it out for themselves and comment on the content.

All too often emotionalism enters into potential voters’ decisions about issues and candidates, according to Kristenev, who said further that the best way to be an effectual citizen of the United States is to do a little homework. As B. Johnson from “Gold Baron” says, “reason is the heart of freedom,” and the author believes that this country is best honored by remembering that little bit of logic.

History of the series:
“Gold Baron” was crafted from concept to finished product in three months, propelled forward by the rapid developments of the 2008 campaign and a vision of an economic crisis that, when the project was begun, only loomed on the horizon. Reality has taken the country in a turn toward the institution of socialism that the book paints through the manipulation of a market tool different than the one used in fact. However, the result is the same… panic induced by market manipulation and a predicted effect upon the electorate and election.

The previous book, “Land Barons,” took three years to research and write. Finished in 2007, it and “Gold Baron” are available for purchase through the website where more information can be found about what forces are advancing the economic terrorism the world is now witnessing.

Look for the upcoming novel and third in the series, “Energy Barons,” due out in 2009.


Brief Bio Information: Kristenev is a former journalist from a major suburban area who has taken to story telling. Working with a gifted legal researcher, “Gold Baron” was conceived as a way to reach people who have become wearied by the media barrage.

Note to editors and producers:
The author is available for interviews and can be reached via e-mail for scheduling.
Press copies of “Gold Baron” are available for review. “Land Barons” is now offered as an e-book and both books are available for review in that format.
All inquiries may be made through the website media relations.


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