News Item: 911 Denial-Conspiracy Poison
(Category: American Holidays)
Posted by Toddy Littman
Saturday 11 September 2010 - 00:13:14

911 Denial & Conspiracy’s Poison

Remembering that day only teaches me how easily I had been fooled by my own denial.

Remembering the discussions I had with others in disbelief, thinking this had to be an inside job.

Only to some months later realize how wrong I was for the sake of my disbelief and nothing more.

Every anniversary I meet with great regret from the fact that I didn’t recognize what really happened on September 11th, 2001, that terrorists, genuine terrorists who hate America, which I couldn’t fathom at the time, had attacked my country, the country that has, and remains through her people, to mean more to freedom than anything else ever has, save Jesus Christ.

Tears in my eyes as I realize fully my loathsome regret because my foolish denial further denied my showing deserved respect to the heroes of flight 93, as well as not valuing the genuine loss of life by murder. I was treating these people akin to how these Islamic Extremists view us all as infidels by being so lost in disbelief I was unable to recognize this genuine terrorist attack on the United States of America for exactly what it is. Shame is my companion on 911, though I made effort after effort over the years to try to make amends for my initial foolishness. Nothing can make up for being so caught up, as I was at that time, in finding someone to blame, finding the conspiracy behind door number 6,424, and so lost in my zeal to prove my point, completely unaware of the disservice to the dead, injured, and survivors that I was carrying out by my actions and looking for reason to justify my denial.

So today all I have is sadness at my own audacity at the time, and a persistent belated mourning over what happened on that day. And let us not forget to celebrate what we found again, at least for a short time, the binding force of our people, America United, Our Spirit, that always rises to the top in our people at the instant of need.

Please, I urge you, do appreciate this day for what it meant in loss, and what it meant in America finding her Spirit again. In light of the state of our country today it is important to the memory of those of 911 that we find that binding force once more, and this time keep it.

This binding to each other for the sake of America is the ultimate tribute to those who died that day and those who fought in wars to assure that the potential opportunity for even more heinous acts against America is miniscule, as well as anyone effected by the heinous act of murder in the name of Allah that happened on September 11th, 2001.

To those who were effected that day, by death, injury or otherwise, in Spirit and here on Earth, in Prayer this night I tell God once more how truly sorry I am for your loss, asking for His Forgiveness, and voicing the hope that these anniversaries give you more strength in moving on, always remembering but without the sadness, any bitterness, questioning why, or blaming in denial, as it is these things that thwart what binds us as Americans which is exactly what the terrorists intended.

Thank you for reading,

Toddy Littman

This news item is from ChangingWind.Org
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