News Item: Birth Certificate Released...3 Years And $2 Million Later
(Category: ZZZ-Misc)
Posted by Toddy Littman
Wednesday 27 April 2011 - 17:03:47

The reason is simple. This issue was beginning to be polled with results, and as an unanswered question, this negatively affects Obama's Political ambition. Assuming that the released document is genuine – as Obama isn't stupid and knows it will be scrutinized, thus “genuine enough” – let's take a moment to thank the President of the United States for finally acknowledging he is beholden to answer to the People.

3 years for this man to do something for his own political purposes that finally establishes that the most arrogant, dictatorial, divisive, and communist associated Progressive President of the United States of America is not the sole dictator of what he'll do. Let us hope this idea catches on with others in our government, to understand their position in our society as servant at our pleasure, We, The People by Posterity, America's Royalty.

This is not Donald Trump's accomplishment, it is our own. This issue isn't a “stupid issue” that “has no merit,” for the reality is that government has a duty to We, The People by Posterity, pursuant to Our Written Constitution to assure this due diligence of eligibility is done prior to these people being considered candidates for President Of The United States.

The actual fact is that there is no one to review this eligibility, speaking volumes to one simple fact we're all becoming well aware of: Washington, and those of the old political guard in both parties, has not upheld the Constitution. The net effect of usurpation of the Constitution is a swift and immediate trespass on the unalienable Individual Liberty of every single American. Our Founders did not set forth an eligibility requirement for it never to be enforced, or used, but to be certain it was, and in hope the people of this nation would demand such enforcement.

The following memo establishes why we must make such demand in the 2nd paragraph,

“Concerning the production or release of an original birth certificate, it should be noted, that there is no federal law, regulation, rule, guideline, or requirement that a candidate for federal office produce his or her original birth certificate, or a certified copy of the record of live birth, to any official of the United States Government; nor is there a requirement for federal candidates to publicly release such personal record or documentation.[fn. omitted] Furthermore, there is no specific federal agency or office that “vets” candidates for federal office as to qualifications or eligibility prior to election.[fn. omitted]” --Emphasis mine,

And it is in this failure of those in government for all these 200+ years to have any actual designated agency to make sure of the eligibility of our Presidents. This is a form of Constitutional Crisis, in that the people look at this as purely a political issue, irrespective of the Constitution directing a mandatory non-discretionary duty upon Congress that we are to make sure gets done:

“The Congress shall have Power….

“To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;” Article I, Section 8, Clause 4,

Lack of action in this regard, in establishing the criteria that says one is a “natural born citizen of the United States” as opposed to one that is “naturalized” is a government neglecting its Constitutional Duty. An agency to use such definitions is necessary for sake of making sure all eligibility packets are reviewed prior to one being considered a candidate to make sure this type of question, that also plagued John McCain, is no longer part of a public spectacle.

The lack of sharing their birth certificate before they are a candidate, further illustrates those who want to run this country who are too pompous and arrogant to provide this information, and thereby they demonstrate their contempt toward our Constitution and We, The American People.

This is why this issue is so very important to be addressed, so as to assure our Constitution is being enforced, to remind this government their power, their acts, and deeds are at our pleasure and not their own, that those “seats of power” are on loan to them subject to their good behavior as a servant, and not a reward to reign over us thereafter, as though being selected to be worshiped, and, our nation's royalty.

In closing, I will say that revealing a certificate these 3 years later may just create even more questions, please review the following subset of a plethora of links on the subject and judge for yourself:

Thank you for reading this writing to help understand why the birth certificate issue is not one that should engender ridicule, but appreciation, and hopefully leads us to wake up to our role as the Sovereign Power of the United States of America (see and

Toddy Littman

This news item is from ChangingWind.Org
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