News Item: Trickle Down Lawlessness
(Category: Finance, Economy and Government)
Posted by Toddy Littman
Monday 24 November 2014 - 23:43:30

As I write this Obama came on the television, the man who goes against the Constitution to cause #Shamnesty, slavery by patronage of 5 million illegal aliens who will now be dependent on government by what government grants them. Obama is the beginning of the situation.

You see Obama's on the television regarding the Ferguson Missouri verdict, his opening comment laughable, if not so cynically arrogant, “We are a nation of laws.” To then explain how America needs another reform, “to reform the criminal justice system.”

Apparently President Obama didn't actually see the Ferguson Grand Jury decision presentation by Prosecutor Robert McCulloch explaining a key fact that had been misreported from the beginning as to why Darren Wilson had confronted Michael Brown.

Officer Wilson was on a call and received a radio broadcast explaining a robbery, that the suspect had stolen some cigars from a nearby convenience store. We had all seen the video but all accounts ahead of time said Officer Wilson has no idea Michael Brown had stolen those cigars from that convenience store. Well Officer Wilson decided to head toward that convenience store and another police report came in, that the offender, “had a red hat and yellow socks,” and while driving Officer Wilson sees 2 people in the middle of the street, one carrying a handful of cigars and wearing a red hat and yellow socks:

What many will not accept is that police are very organized. You see these radio calls are to alert officers to act, called “hot pursuit” when a crime has just occurred and they are looking for the suspect. Officer Wilson found Michael Brown in a position that you'd think Michael Brown would have avoided having just stole these items from a local convenience store, a crime against his community, let alone the stealing of private property and ignoring the private property rights of the store he stole them from.

Michael Brown decides to fix his mistake, but not by confessing and agreeing to return the cigars, hoping for the officer's leniency not to arrest him. No, instead, Michael Brown attempts physical confrontation with a police officer. This is the moment Michael Brown agreed he's a menace to the community, a scofflaw and with an arrogance only rivaled by President Obama, that Michael Brown fully intends to defy the Officer's orders, to deny a man his peaceful existence to do his job as a Police Officer and earn his pay, a decision Michael Brown made based on his initial decision to steal.

While Progressives will belittle “trickle-down economics” under Reagan, Michael Brown and the protesting mobs prove Progressives have perfected Trickle Down Lawlessness under Obama, and, by President Obama's comments, he further proves he does not care about the facts.

In the Michael Brown case, it is proven without any doubt, that there is nothing wrong with the criminal justice system, there is no need for reform; just like healthcare needed no reform, a few changes to achieve what the people actually wanted, but not government reform and a take over; just like Immigration didn't need an executive action reform, but does need legislation that achieves what the American People, especially those who waited years, even decades to be US citizens, want.

But a verdict in Ferguson, Missouri, that the Dictator in the Oval Office disagrees with, irrespective of the facts of an arrogant thief having defied the police who were acting entirely with probable cause to stop the thief in the street, President Obama seeks community organizing reform to fix it. Michael Brown shows what he thought about community intervention by how he treated the store clerk/owner in the video now didn't he?

Barack Obama is at the top of the Lawlessness food chain, and as his political popularity has eroded, out of desperation, Obama has chosen to exploit the death of Michael Brown for the sake of politics whether there is any merit to doing so or not. Making Obama's first statement, “that we are a nation of laws” a meaningless gesture of pure arrogant and defiant sarcasm, a contempt for the American Justice System as it is. I don't agree with every bit of our justice system, but I also know one must not steal from another, use force and intimidation to deny them their rightful pay for what I took, to then flaunt the theft walking down the street with the items in hand, taunting police and the community, “Just try to stop me.” But what do we expect criminals to think when the Government is not obeying the law, even before Obama's immigration “Executive Action?”

As I've said before, Michael Browns death was by big government,

I pray Michael Brown's family finds peace over this tragedy so many are exploiting for themselves.

God Bless you and thank you for reading and sharing this,

Toddy Littman

P.S. Normally I'd have what I wrote edited, so if this was difficult or awkward to read, my apologies, I just felt I had to post this as soon as possible as someone has to rebut the President's exploitation of Ferguson as a “crisis not to go to waste” with the fact that tragedies need to end, the families deserve to suffer as little as possible, not to be exploited and have their tragedy prolonged by politicians (or “Reverends” for that matter) and their need for a photo op.

This news item is from ChangingWind.Org
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